Oudalova Events & Design

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I love coffee. I just do. I love the smell of it, the oil and foam that rises at the top of my french press, the grinds that are left at the bottom of the cup as an aftermath, the smooth (sometimes bitter) tang that a hot steaming cup of coffee has on my soul. ( I wonder what it means lol)

I also love that while I sip my coffee in the morning, its my own, private time to just rev up the engines, do my own thinking and just prep for the day. 

Besides its immediate tasty beauty, I love capturing my coffee in photos, I appreciate my coffee in darlings cups, saucers and cool mugs. Below are some images that tap into some mornings, some lunches and some much needed afternoon coffee times.

What is your beverage of passion?

xo Margo


PS: my "Brand of choice" is @Lavazza for my french press(3 scoops for a standard french press size) when I am home, When I am out and about I'm all about the @Starbucks, @illy and @timhorton's Dark Roast.