Oudalova Events & Design

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March 7th, 2021 marked the 7th year of our business. To say the least, we were ecstatic and we wanted to commemorate that with an epic “Vanity Fair” styled shoot - photographed by the one and only Carla Silva.

The whole team came up to the studio and we did our make up and hair and got into our glam fashions, thank you to the most wonderful bridal boutique Ana Koi for letting us play dress up - the girls’ dresses are from Ana Koi, and mine is from Shein.

We celebrated by actually finally being together, laughing, dancing around, and singing out loud, I mean when is the last time that we did that? I cannot remember.

We sprayed champagne and cut our cake and just loved being together as a team, once again.

I cannot believe how far we have become, I remember the days where I tried doing (and did) everything my self and yes it was hard, but it was the beginning of something special. I cannot fathom doing it all by myself now, I know now that together is better. Amen to that.

This year is a special one, yes covid, yes difficulties but it is also a year where I see how slowly but surely we are creating an impact and beauty into this world, and I cannot thank my team enough.

I love you all

xo Margo