Enchanted Weddings!

Having your theme be Enchanted is a great way to explore the mystery and nature that you love! Enchanted is like childhood, full of imagination, with the fairies and the magic to think about!

When I think of an Enchanted wedding, I think of something outdoors, with lots of candles or fairy lights, dimly lit with nature surrounding everything; the alter, the isle, the tables, the bouquet and so much more!

You can explore the lighting route and how to perfectly light either your ceremony or your reception to perfectly achieve your goal of enchantment. The centre pieces and the bouquets can be lots of nature, not the most colourful of florals but maybe more simple colours that are monochromatic with a complimentary colour to make the bouquet truly pop. Within these weddings and the theme there is room to explore, you can ever make a little plant pot for the centre piece with succulents and some cacti to explore the more natural side to plants and florals.

There is just so much you can do, it is amazing! If you want to be an enchanted prince or princess on your special day there is so much you can do! Use your imagination to its fullest ability!!