Eve harlow: my muse ? or my sister ?

Well actually, she is my sister first and then she's my ultimate muse! She is beautiful, but you know  the kind of beauty that painters got inspired by, the kind of beauty prince fought the dragons for, yes THAT kind of beautiful. And besides she has all these other little things that make her fabulous, like she is smart, and kind and vegan lol and a total artiste! AND probably read every book ever written !!! GAWD!!!

Anyhow, not only that but she is still manages to stay true to her self and be completely humble while doing her thing in Hollywood. She shot movies besides Mark Wahlberg, Jessica Beil, and was in supportive roles in shows like Heroes reborn and The 100.

I could go on but for me, she's my sis, yup, pretty simple lol. I do love to shoot with her though, she is such a Comeleon - she can be scary, pretty and sexy all a the same time, like WTF right?? But yes she can, and maybe that is her super power. While shooting Heroes Reboen in Toronto she was interviewed for the monthly Wedlux E-Magazine - I totally love this article check it out below - and to it attached  the shoot we did with her while she was here. We don’t see each other often but when we do ~ we love creating magic !!! 

You can find the full story here but here are some of the most gorgeous imagery you’l ever see - please let me know  what you think- we have another gorgeouse shoot planned with Eve soon; (yes she’s coming for a visit yayyyyy) and I simply can’t wait!!! Xoxo Margo